Dean Coates, 'Basalt'


25 × 10 cm

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25 × 10 cm

25 × 10 cm

My recent work is an exploration of the intersection between ceramics and painting. Unlike traditional approaches to painting whereby the application of paint is immediately apparent in its aesthetic and textural qualities, I have been exploring the use of ceramic materials and kiln firing as a comparative painting medium and method. Using the clay slab as a comparative canvas and applying experimental glazes and slips brings an extra dimension to the work with unforeseen outcomes.

Dean Coates is a qualified geologist and has a background in brick manufacturing, education, and studio ceramics. He is interested in the journey and changing states of geological matter. How they are created, altered, transported, deposited, and extracted. The story of deep time spanning millions of years. 

His practice is experimental, and process led, employing repetitive techniques to build forms out of clay that resemble, structural landscapes, stockpiles and abstract objects. The forms play with ideas of gravity and mass, slumping, solid heaviness of form, oozing glazes. Sometimes a ‘cheeky hole’ or a ‘sticky out bit’ nods to a remnant of human origin.

Lee Johnson, 'Walking in Suffolk Study'
Josie Clouting, 'Mynd'
Josie Clouting, 'Towards Lion Rock'
Deirdre Byrne, 'Plume'
Jo Berry, 'The Machine (2)'