AWAKE ARISE | A Winter Show

3rd to 17th December 2022
14th to 28th January 2023

David Abbott | Salvatore Fiorello | Louisa Longstaff-Scales | Ollie Marr | Hanneke van Ryswyk | Dylan Williams | Charlie Yates

Irving Contemporary is delighted to present our Winter Exhibition AWAKE ARISE, a group show of seven artists: David Abbott, Salvatore Fiorello, Louisa Longstaff-Scales, Ollie Marr, Hanneke van Ryswyk, Dylan Williams, and Charlie Yates.

This beautiful winter exhibition brings together paintings exploring the land and the natural world, spirit of place, and personal memory. More by accident than design, these seven painters live and work across the four countries of the British Isles, in England (David Abbott, Salvatore Fiorello, Louisa Longstaff-Scales, and Ollie Marr), Ireland (Hanneke van Ryswyk), Wales (Dylan Williams), and Scotland (Charlie Yates).

The exhibition will be open from 3rd to 17th December, and then again from 14th to 28th January.

All works are available for purchase online until 28th February via the button below.