Sarah Bold, 'Big Little Scotland 10'


Oil on panel
15 x 20 cm


Oil on panel
15 x 20 cm

Oil on panel
15 x 20 cm

Originally from Australia, Sarah lives in the Western Isles of Scotland. Sarah is a landscape painter interested in the significant impact of human activity upon the planet’s ecosystems, geology and climate, and more specifically how this relates to the rural environment. Her paintings are in oil paint and hover between figurative and abstraction.

She studied painting at the University of Arts, London and is a graduate of Turps Banana Painting Correspondence course. Sarah is a recent recipient for the Society of Scottish Artists mentor/ mentee yearly programme. Sarah was awarded the Mall Galleries’ ING Discerning Eye Landscape Prize 2023.

Recent exhibitions include Art On A Post Card International Women’s Day 2024, Detail Art Gallery, Edinburgh, Irving Gallery, RSW Annual exhibition, Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London, Wells Contemporary, Royal Scottish Academy Annual. Previously Sarah has won the Jackson’s Painting Landscape Prize, was shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship Art Prize and received the Hulabhaig Curator’s Purchase Award.

Sarah Bold, ‘Big Little Scotland 12'
Sarah Bold, ‘Big Little Scotland 4’
Sarah Bold, ‘After Rain'
Sarah Bold, ‘The Fall (2)’
Sarah Bold, ‘Big Little Scotand 31'