Salvatore Fiorello
Recent Paintings
12th November to 15th December 2023
Salvatore Fiorello’s work deals with perceptions of time, memory, and place. He makes paintings that depict often overlooked sections of suburbia, edgelands, and semi-rural landscapes. Creeping shadows and spectral forms denote odd or uncanny scenes, like recollected memories or nostalgic day dreams.
The locations may at first seem banal or inconspicuous, yet there is often an air of implied or impending suspense, with the implication that the mundane could conceal something mysterious.
The paintings have a disquiet silence, similar to an abandoned film set, resembling fragments of an unexplained narrative or a foreboding stillness that can be read into. Consequently there are generic similarities between what we perceive as the familiar and the unknown.
Salvatore graduated with an MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art in 2000. He lives and works in London.
Augustine’s Cottage, 2023.
Oil on linen, 28 x 35 cm
Outhouse, 2023.
Oil on linen, 28 x 35 cm
Brink, 2023.
Oil on linen, 30 x 23 cm
Prism, 2023.
Oil on linen, 30 x 40 cm. Sold
Midhurst Way, 2023.
Oil on linen, 30 x 40 cm
Plot, 2023.
Oil on linen, 20x 25.5 cm. Sold
Passage, 2023.
Oil on linen, 20x 25.5 cm
Wayside, 2023.
Oil on linen, 20x 25.5 cm
Poet’s Road, 2023.
Oil on linen, 20x 25.5 cm
The Clearing, 2023.
Oil on linen, 23 x 30 cm
Old Ghosts, 2022.
Oil on linen, 23 x 30 cm
Twilight, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 18 x 24 cm
Ilchester Place, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 18 x 24 cm
Crowfoot, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 18 x 24 cm
Threshold, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 13 x 18 cm
Hedge, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 13 x 18 cm
End House, 2023.
Oil on linen panel, 13 x 18 cm